Who Am I?

Extraordinary Experiences
When I was 18 I joined the Navy. After almost 2 years of schooling, I was assigned to my first submarine. The USS Pintado (SSN-672) was in overhaul in Pearl Harbor, HI and was later stationed in San Diego, CA. During my time on board I made a run to the North Pole and made a Western Pacific deployment (WestPac).
After 3 and half years I was assigned to the USS Parche (SSN-683) which was out of Vallejo, CA at Mare Island Naval Shipyard. During my time there I made another deployment which I can’t talk about.
Later in life I decided that my life was a bit boring, so in 2012 I went to Afghanistan as a specialist in computer forensics. As luck would have it I got assigned to a Naval Intelligence Unit. During my time there I was deployed to several forward operating bases (FOB’s) and finally ended up at Bagram Airfield.
My Core Values
I believe that a person should be honorable. This means I want to life me life by a specific set of values (which I believe is missing in society).